📌Suggestions to boost your light🤍🌟
This is the meditation I guided to share today my beloveds abs few tips to recall your energy
~ Drama and stress-induced emotions consume huge amounts of energy and you will end drain so stop aside the drama and choose a more loving reaction to what is such as trusting all it is well and all it is working for you believe it or not.
~ Bless your water, when the water is blessed or charged with love it changes its alchemy and it is equal to any crystal so imagine this water change with love it is equal to a liquid crystal. we all love crystal so imagine we could drink them guess what you can now! it only takes you a few seconds before drinking it
~ Lighten your load. One of the main reasons for fatigue is overwork. ...learn to prioritize. Don't now waste your energy just because... choose wisely where your energy it is going and how you will like to send it so the universe can multiply that back... yes all we send it is multiplied and send back to us...
~Body practice...yes why do you think ancients create yoga, tai chi because our body it is who holds the light so if the vessel can not hold the light evenly guess what it will get stuck and blocked....don't be lazy...choose the best practice for you. Exercise almost guarantees that you'll sleep more soundly. ...
limit smoking and alcohol use your discernment
~ Restrict everything represents heaviness ( people, food, activities, places, etc)
Eat for the Soul. ...love, cuddles, hugs, kisses, fun, laughter, relaxation, etc. make your own list
~ Energy maintenance - learn what your energy needs to flow according to your own needs.
~ Breathing: Here are a few benefits to deep breathing:
✔️Decreases stress, increases calm. ...
✔️Relieves pain. ...
✔️Stimulates the lymphatic system ✔️(Detoxifies the body). ...
✔️Improves immunity. ...
✔️Increases energy. ...
✔️Lowers blood pressure. ...
✔️Improves digestion. ...
✔️Helps support correct posture.
~ Grounding Neutralizes Free Radicals. Free radicals are generated through inflammation, infection, cell damage, trauma, stress, and our toxic environments. ...
~ Take what works for you we are all unique and awesome and need different stuff
from my heart to yours Grethel
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