My Drawing of the light - Diana the goddess
New Levels of Light Codes
We are here, speaking to you in one voice, please open your heart and listen with your Soul open
I am Diana, the GODDESS, I AM known as Diana, in Roman religion, goddess of wild animals and the hunt, identified with the Greek goddess Artemis. My name means SkyLight and I do work with the Animal Kingdom.
I do have many more aspects at the higher level but it is as one I am speaking to you from and I am now speaking as one voice, I do speak from a collective being of light connected to Gaia, the mysticism, the magic, ancient culture, greek mythology and the animal kingdom and the totem animal collective as well.
I bring a New light and A Higher vibrational levels of love and light now available, ready to be tapped into, and integrated for you.
Remember, my dear fellow human, you are high vibrational beings of love and light united with new levels of Divine Light and Breathe, relax and listen to experience raising into the light and then join in creating a powerful ripple of LOVE and light. Know that we are one and together broadcast a stream of unconditional love and well being to serve all humanity and the animal kingdom as well
Breathe these codes from the image of me, relax and visualize you as me since I am you and you are me...Now allow yourself to experience raising into the light and then join in creating a powerful ripple of LOVE and light, immensely appreciate all that it is
Be the goddess in you that walk the earth as if the presence enlighten all you can activate, your communication through the animal kingdom, if you wish to set you intention and it will be given in accordance to all that it is
It is a message from Spirit to have faith and trust that the choices and life changes, you are considering (or experience) have been Divinely guided and are in-line with your life purpose and mission resonates with intuition and introspection. It is equally ACTING INTO YOUR HAPPINESS..
Truly understand that Spirit is asking you to have faith, that your material needs will be met by the Universe while you are on the path of discovering your true path and purpose in this life.
Breathe, relax and listen to experience raising into the light and then join in creating a powerful ripple of LOVE and light, together, throughout time, space, consciousness, and throughout All That Is
With Love and light, we Bless you - Diana.