We are closing the month, and a lot is happening in all of us. From the scale of governments to the personal, let's review it.
To begin with, there are many lines of life, and at this moment, anything can happen.
Galactic Revelation Times; Is the government hiding aliens? I'm talking about the government whistleblower, David Grusch! This feels entangled with something else that is yet unseen nor revealed. There is an ambiguity in the truth; however, it is a start of a new era.
It feels to me that it is a good way to exercise discernment and to see things beyond what they are showing us. To choose the timeline we want to be on, it is all about resonance and that vibration feels either 3D or 5D.
More information that is kinda "we have proof" and kinda comes from someone that told me that he knew someone... will be on the air. Why? It feels to me we are being tested to see if we are ready for the big revelation or not.
That depends on us! That we are able to keep it together, to hold the light, and be prepared with a strong foundation of being open to seeing how it unfolds. I believe we first need to be united, in ourselves, in our families, in our cities, in our countries, then we can encounter other planets. Sooner or later, we will.
Right now there is a bombardment of information and it is important to discern what you believe. What we believe is the foundation for manifesting reality. Make sure that the people you follow, your astrologer, the one on the podcast or your channel transmit the information as neutrally as possible. so that you decide what you want to happen in your reality. And not be influenced by other agendas outside of your personal agenda. I have seen many life lines of the future, all possibilities. And yet I was excited to know how the future will unfold. One thing that I can tell you is that in my Universe there are many different destinations and we don't all go to the same ones.
To untangle our present from the future, it seems to me that it is important to go from day to day. Trust your intuition, open mind, ready for surprises and how to find those solutions to the areas of opportunity to solve, correct our path. Do not get tied up with what can happen in the future because you write it in the now. So in the now decide what you want to live and how your future will unfold. and so be it. Right now, there is a bombardment of information, and it is important to discern what you believe. What we believe is the foundation for manifesting reality. Make sure that the people you follow, your astrologer, the one on the podcast, or your channel, transmit the information as neutrally as possible, so that you decide what you want to happen in your reality and not be influenced by other agendas outside of your personal agenda.
I have seen many lifelines of the future, all possibilities. And yet, I am excited to know how the future will unfold. One thing that I can tell you is that in my Universe, there are many different destinations, and we don't all go to the same ones.
To untangle our present from the future, it seems to me that it is important to go from day to day. Trust your intuition, an open mind, be ready for surprises, and find solutions to the areas of opportunity to solve and correct our path.
In conclusion,
The truth in social media seems ambiguous to me....There is hiden agenda and I am not drawn to conspiracy teories. One things I agree we are not alone. I belive there is not victims, bad or good guys it is all comingle in the expansion of our soul´s journey. This is a duality reality where dark and light convey in divine order. And I like to belive my Universe it is Balance interlacking the dark and the light.
Furthermore. it marks the start of a New Galactic Era. What if we have disclosure today? How that would be? When i saw it in a dream...we were all running like crazy. Screaming "Pleiadians are here" There was a sound that it was out of this plane in the sky.
In the midst of chaos magic happen...so let´s see how that unflod. Howver in my dream it aint came form the goverment though it was science the one who reveal that truth...They were science we found proof we are not alone.
The future is still being written and all we have is the now. The present moment Urge us to exercise discernment and choose our desired timelines, resonating with 3D or 5D vibrations.
As more information emerges, we are tested for readiness, requiring us to stay grounded, embrace the light, and stay open to unfolding events. Unity is crucial—from ourselves to our families, cities, and countries—preparing us for potential encounters with other planets in the future. Do not get tied up with what can happen in the future because you write it in the now. So, in the now, decide what you want to live and how your future will unfold, and so be it.
I invite you to join me live on instagram on Sundays at 10 am Pacific time for meditation and to build community and grow together. with love Grethel