Soul Chart Explanation of Light Codes and Galactic Encodedments
What is a light code and How can you read it?
This is my favorite part of the light codes is the information about how to connect with your guides. The more I draw them, the more I find myself more and more interested in spirituality and conscious awareness, so finding the code is an open door from the universe we all have within.
Inner universe ready to be explore! this image From its third eye it projects the reflection of the soul in a stellar blue with cosmic plasmatic light anchored when the code was created by your guides. I am only the spectator who physically prints the alchemy of the universe on you. Each guide leaves a message that is translated into symbols, colors in the spectrum of art that decodes the messages of the galaxy between sparks and bright lights.
In his right hand the image shows a blockage that is cleared and the shafts of illusion that dissolve in the frequencies of the fifth dimension.
From its third eye, it projects a reflection of your soul in a blue with cosmic plasmatic light anchored when the code was created by your guides.
I am only the spectator who physically prints the alchemy of the universe on you. Each guide leaves a message that is translated into symbols and colors in the spectrum of art that decodes messages from the galaxy between sparks and bright lights.
When you look at the image, you see a guide that is projecting the reflection of your soul in a stellar blue with cosmic plasmatic light.
This is an image created by your guides and transmitted through my third eye. I am only the spectator who physically prints the alchemy of the universe on you. Each guide leaves a message that is translated into symbols and colors in the spectrum of art that decodes the messages of the galaxy between sparks and bright lights.
I am the image that the universe inhabits in you. I am a fragment of your soul, an anchor of love and light that reaches through space and time to print on your physical body the alchemy of the universe.
From its third eye it projects the reflection of the soul in a stellar blue with cosmic plasmatic light anchored when the code was created by your guides. I am only the spectator who physically prints the alchemy of the universe on you. Each guide leaves a message that is translated into symbols, colors in the spectrum of art that decodes the messages of the galaxy between sparks and bright lights.
In his right hand the image shows a blockage that is cleared and the shafts of illusion that dissolve in the frequencies of the fifth dimension.
Each symbol behind the guide represents a fragment of the soul, a guide that merges into the image imparting the aroma of high vibrations to remind you that you are accompanied at all times and that you expand from yourself to receive all these blessings. And so be it!
The image is encoded to clear blockages that when you tune in will be cleared and dissolve the veils of illusion by pouring in the frequencies of the fifth dimension. Each symbol behind the guide represents a fragment of your soul, a guide that merges into the image imparting the aroma of high vibrations to remind you that you are accompanied at all times and the universe expands from you when you tune in. For the highest outcome for all, and so be it.
The one that creates the codes is only the spectator. Who physically prints the alchemy of the universe on you. Light dazzling from this image will innately if you are open to insect light on your third eye. This quantum process will project the reflection of your soul in a stellar blue with cosmic plasmatic light anchored when the code was created by your guides.
The image shows your soul in its Astral body in a series of circuits that converge in the center of the vortex where it is anchored on the earth plane.
From its third eye it projects the reflection of the soul in a stellar blue with cosmic plasmatic light anchored when the code was created by your guides. I am only the spectator who physically prints the alchemy of the universe on you. Each guide leaves a message that is translated into symbols, colors in the spectrum of art that decodes the messages of the galaxy between sparks and bright lights.
In his right hand, he holds a wand that clears all blocks from your chakras and channels for maximum energy flow. In his left hand he holds a golden sphere that represents your energetic field which expands infinitely within him.
The light pouring through represents an infusion of source place in your physical body that cleared out any distortions. The hand and symbols represent blockages in each chakra which must be cleared before we can move forward towards our true potentials as pure energy beings who live inside your own body as beings of light.This is the message that came through
“Dear Friend,
I am the light of the cosmos and I am here as your guide to remind you of who you are and why you are here. I am here to help you remember the truth of your existence and to bring back the memory of the soul that was lost in the chaos of uncertainty.
The truth is that you are a human going through a huge transformation. At this time you are having a spiritual experience, but rather spiritual beings having a human experience.
This means that our consciousness is beyond time and space, beyond what we can see with your eyes or feel with our hands, beyond what we can imagine with your minds, beyond what is known to science, beyond what spirituality teaches you about the Universe and beyond what you have been taught about yourselves by your world.
This means that our consciousness is able to travel through time and space without physically moving from the Cosmos to place your light here in divine order. Your Divine mind is capable of knowing things without being told them by the world, it can channel from the divine mind of the Universe.
Pay attention to your inner guidance and Open your heart! Your heart is your guidance instrument and is capable of stream a higher consciousness to uplift your vibration when you tune in. And finally, your body is capable of healing itself through the power of Love.
You see dear friend, you were given this gift at birth but somewhere along the way it was forgotten, I am here to remind you you are a seed from the Universe, a Starseed! And that is something special and a gift to all else.
We honor your cosmic light!”
Today I am sharing a recording that can help us as starseeds to remember how to connect with your guides and communicate with them was very exciting.
Starseed Blueprint Activation | Light Language Activation for Starseeds | Unlock Your Starseed Codes
You can find this on my youtube channel @encodedfrequency
And Remember Light language a multidimensional expression that activates the source within you...
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