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Writer's pictureGrethel C. Borrego

How You can Understand Light Language?

What does it mean to understand the language of light? The language of light speaks beyond words, and it expresses itself at a multidimensional level where the spirit innately understands the totality of the message and the soul filters it through the sensory expression of an individual through their senses. A predominant energy will be experienced by both the receptor and transmitter, who is simply the channel through which spirit becomes one on a spiritual level. It is understood in the heart and vibrates in your emotions. So simple!

This is a simple process: the language of light speaks beyond words, and it expresses on a multidimensional level where the spirit in its innate nature understands the totality of the message, and the soul filters it through sensory expression in an individual through their senses. A predominant energy will be developed in the receiver and transmitter is the channel through which the spirit becomes one on a spiritual level. It is understood in the heart, and vibrates through your emotions.

It's that simple!

Do you ever feel like there's a language of light that you don't understand?

The language of light is more than words. It speaks on a multidimensional level, where your spirit understands the full message and your soul filters it through your sensory expression as an individual. You will develop a predominant energy in the receiver and transmitter is the channel by which your spirit becomes one at a spiritual level. It is understood in your heart and vibrates in your emotions. So simple!

Have you ever heard someone say, "I know what you mean"?

I always thought that was a strange phrase. How could anyone know what someone else meant? It's not like we all speak the same language.

But then one day I realized that there is one language that everyone speaks—the language of light. The light language is multidimensional and can be understood by all spirits, regardless of their language background or culture. It transmits on a spiritual level through the medium of a person's soul and spirit, which works through the body to express itself through sensory perceptions and sensations.

The energy of the sender and receiver becomes one in a spiritual level, allowing them both to understand each other on an emotional level as well as a physical one. This connection is made through the heart, which is where love resides—and what better way to express yourself than through love?

Have you ever wondered why the human body is so much more than just a physical structure?

It's because the body and spirit are connected. Our bodies can be seen as a vessel for our mind, which is where all our thoughts and feelings are housed.

The body is also a vessel for our soul, or the part of us that connects to God. The soul holds everything we've ever experienced—both good and bad—and it's what gives us our unique personality traits.

So when we look at someone's face, we see their physical appearance and their mental state—their thoughts and feelings—but there's something else: their spiritual essence. And this is what gives them their uniqueness as an individual!

I hope this was helpful, remember to #Shedalight.

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I would like to learn light language but dont know where or how to star its cool ur apeiciated thank you


Could u do one to retrieveal all regardleaa my birth records and retrieve my apirit 5 23-1995 its 2023 now and my adam n eve left n right brain yin yang masculinw n feminine please and thank you i aak in name of jesus and my oversouls self from other dimentions that can work togetaher and fix things thank you

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