Twin Flame Art ~ Drawing
I know that when you make love with someone, you connect with the body and from there you explore an infinite spectrum between the connection with yourself, your body, your feelings and thoughts and the partner if there is one energetically seeing with your third eye, how the energy merges, takes any relationships to another level and it is as if a superior power comes and em braces you in a soft and loving space, where love flows.
The woman's body flows like rivers of light, that from your womb, interconnect with transforming you into a portal of love, to self-heal or be a portal, where God blesses you until it becomes a sacred union.
At the le vel of energy, there is nothing vulgar, it is magical light, that comes out of each part of the body, flowing and recalibrating in the body like a celestial dance.
As a woman in a female body, I personally feel, that I am a channel of unconditional love, where my beloved sows her soul and multiplies through me in infinite ways to grow together, without being above or below the other, but side by side at the same place.
When man honors the body of his partner with love and knows how to awaken in her that door to ecstacy, he bathes himself in an elixir that is chemically and energetically not only spiritual medicine, but the alchemy of the immaculate conception to co-create a new life.
When the loved ones feel safe, respected, honored, they share their soul at a level, where each one is home, where the God that is reflected in his partner, needs in his being in the sacred union. The fact that someone chooses to share their soul with you at that level is sacred, it is not a coincidence and it is treated not only with honor, but it is understood, that how you treat your loved ones is like a reflection, that how you treat yourself, for my part, I am learning to honor my beloved as I honor myself over and over again, until we cut holiness to the level, where our spirit merges into the eternity of infinity through love,
And, I look forward to infinite ways to continue exploring how to continue discovering the art of loving and loving myself in the harmony of Love, all that is, for the highest and highest good and so be it.!
On Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 12:01 AM Encoded Frequency <> wrote:
I know that when you make love with someone you connect with the body and from there you explore an infinite spectrum between the connection with yourself, your body, your feelings and thoughts and the partner if there is one.
energetically seeing with your third eye how the energy merges takes any relationship to another level and it is as if a superior power comes and embraces you in a soft and loving space where love.
The woman's body flows like rivers of light that from your womb interconnect with transforming you into a portal of love to self-heal or be a portal where God blesses you until it becomes a sacred union.
At the level of energy there is nothing vulgar, it is magical light comes out of each part of the body flowing and recalibrating in the body like a celestial dance.
As a woman in a female body, I personally feel that I am a channel of unconditional love where my beloved sows her soul and multiplies through me in infinite ways to grow together, without being above or below the other but side by side at the same pace.
When man honors the body of his partner with love and knows how to awaken in her that door to ecstasy, he bathes himself in an elixir that is chemically and energetically not only spiritual medicine but the alchemy of the immaculate conception to co-create a new life.
When the loved ones feel safe, respected, honored, they share their soul at a level where each one is home where the god that is reflected in his partner needs in his being in the sacred union.
the fact that someone chooses to share their soul with you at that level is sacred, it is not a coincidence and it is treated not only with honor but it is understood that how you treat your loved one is like a reflection that how you treat yourself, for my part I am learning to honor my beloved as I honor myself over and over again until we cut holiness to the level where our spirit merges into the eternity of infinity through Love.
And I look forward to infinite ways to continue exploring how to continue discovering the art of loving and loving myself in the harmony of Love, all that is, for the highest and highest good and so be it.
let love lead!
